.. _automatic-checks-accessibility: Accessibility check =================== The accessibility check uses `Pa11y`_ to check for accessibility issues in the documentation output. It is configured to use the `Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2`_, requiring `Level AA conformance`_. .. note:: This check is only available locally. Install prerequisite software ----------------------------- ``Pa11y`` must be installed through ``npm``. If you need to install ``npm``, run the following command from any location on your system:: sudo apt install npm Once ``npm`` is installed, install ``Pa11y`` by running this command from within your documentation folder. .. code-block:: bash make pa11y-install Run the accessibility check --------------------------- Run the following command from within your documentation folder. Look for accessibility issues in rendered documentation:: make pa11y Configure the accessibility check --------------------------------- The :file:`pa11y.json` file in the :file:`.sphinx` folder provides basic defaults. To browse the available settings and options, see ``Pa11y``'s `README `_ on GitHub.